Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Earth.

Today is Earth Day! What does Earth mean to you? Dirt, living things on earth, the world, recycling, mountains, or living as a whole with all the living things on earth. So, probably the living things that come to your minds right away are us human beings, animals and maybe you also think of plants. True, but what about the soil, the air, landscape, and the rest of the universe such as the sun and stars. Are they not living as well? A very debatable and perhaps controversial question. Well thinking scientifically I would say yes they are living because all of them have cellular molecules that use different molecules or particles to make energy for themselves and then produce other molecules that can be used to make energy in other cells. For example, think of the air, we might not like to think of it as having cells or bacteria in it, but it does and they travel in and out of us all the time. These cells are not necessarily bad, it could be carrying chemicals that produce the smell of the fig tree you are now approaching and then translate to a wonderful crisp after the rain smell that could make you fall in love with summer and the fig tree so much that you go and eat a few figs off the tree. Well later as you digest the figs and absorb the nutrients your body can and is meant to absorb, the remnants and some left over cells of the seeds from the fig pass out from you which later hopefully mixes with soil (not oceans). And this soil which could be miles away from where you live, maybe will produce another fig tree or plant and so on...So this shows how almost everything on and inside and outside of earth is so unbelievably connected. This was probably a complicated and weird way of explaining it but its reality. I'm realizing again and again that we humans alone don't realize how connected we are to each other by simply breathing, yet alone how humans are so connected with the rest of the earth as I described in the example. Is this surprising to you or does it seem nonsense or stupid or a waste of time? Well then I hope you do more research on this on your own and start saving the world, the earth and yourselves from what we humans have disastrously created....the toxic earth! Otherwise, this earth that we step on and share the air of every single day is not lasting much longer! And we may become extinct just like the dinosaurs!
Also I recommend you read Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall to learn more about these issues and find ways on how to save ourselves and the earth from disappearing. I am reading it right now. Other great and amazingly related reads are books from Deepak Chopra.
And, if you have never heard of or seen a fig tree or never had the experience eating fresh figs from the tree itself I strongly encourage you to get that in your life experience. They are so delicious and incredibly healthy for you. Well we now know that figs and other fruits are very healthy for us from research that the money spending governments provide, but before studied science, people probably ate it because it smelled and looked good.
Wait, not the end yet...I just remembered a great way to help you understand. One of my favorite movies The Bandit (Eskiya in Turkish) has a line towards the end that goes something like this.... the shot and dying man says, I am scared, and a friend, a much older man responds, don't be scared, you are only going to go back to the soil and the soil will use minerals from your body to create a flower, and then a bee will use the nectar from that flower to make honey which someone could later be eating, and maybe that person will be me...Ah, isn't this beautiful!

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