Workshops and Other Fun Things!!!

Here are informations of my Nutrition Workshops, Breastfeeding Classes in Etiler, Istanbul, and other Events. They are usually in English and Turkish.

- November 23, 2011: Breastfeeding Class, Etiler Home Studio. 60TL per Mom or Family. Contact me for details.

- November 19 (19 Kasim): Free Introductory Yoga Class for the Etiler Home Studio, at Etiler. (Mostly in Turkish, some English too if needed).
Etiler'de Yeni Bir Enerji Deneyimleyin, Ucretsiz Yoga Dersine katilin.!/event.php?eid=217363184996737
- August 3, 2011: World Breastfeeding Week Event:
- 3 Ağustos, 2011, Dünya Emzirme Haftası Etkinlikleri:

- 14 Mayıs, 2011: Farkındalıkla Beslenme, Seminer ve Yoga: